About Me

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Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, now living in Cheshire, England. I started to write poetry some years ago, as a hobby. I have enjoyed that new venture very much. My preferences are for long and micro-form poetry styles. A first book of poetry ~ Reason Without Rhyme, was published in December 2013. A second book ~ Fifty Seven Pebbles, was published in September 2015...I am presently compiling the content for my third book. Thank you for visiting my Blog... COPYRIGHT: The entire copyright and content of this Blog belongs to the author Eileen T O'Neill. Nothing should be copied, reproduced or hosted as per RSS feed by any other party. {This particularly applies to the USA company Feedspot.com}

Monday, 28 April 2014


A necessary reflective state of one's being,
Time set aside from most usual routines.
Space to turn out and turn over one’s lot,
Seeing demands clamour for daily attention.
Gorging oneself on all that moves and shakes,
Stumbling to carry commitments as promised.
Stretching far beyond capabilities of comfort,
Giving more than expectation seeks to receive.
Sustenance eventually depletes its enthusiasm,
Seeking solace and to escape from the demands.
Hibernating inside a place of quiet contemplation,
Secluded by the sanctuary of shelter and well-being.
Eventually a wise note of awakening reveals itself,
An absence has rejuvenated the attitude of mind.
Fresh optimism permeates throughout the return,
Uncluttered environments beckon in view of new hope.

©Copyright Eileen T O’Neill 28/04/2014

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Reason Without Rhyme..Review Thanks...

I published my first book, Reason Without Rhyme, in December 2013. A collection of my own words in my poetic form.
Many copies of my book have been distributed to relations and friends over the past few months. I have had very pleasing verbal feedback from many who have taken the time to read my book. Their feedback has been most encouraging, since this does certainly form some positivity within the mind and the continuity of any writer, as to whether or not, one should share words with the broader world, or simply keep them as a private consideration.
I am indebted to my friend, and fellow writer Paul Andrew Russell, for his supreme kindness in furnishing me with a written account of his thoughts about my book. His feedback has buoyed my hesitancy, since it is the first such commitment to paper, and has been invaluable to me.
I must also thank my online friend Margie Kaplan, for her interest and her purchase of my book. Her words have also contributed to my positive mode, with seeking to formulate my next book!!!

Links: Paul Andrew Russell:    http://www.paulandrewrussell.net/reason-without-rhyme-eileen-t-oneill
          Margie Kaplan:             http://samuru999.blogspot.co.uk