A necessary reflective
state of one's being,
Time set aside from most usual
Space to turn out and turn
over one’s lot,
Seeing demands clamour for
daily attention.
Gorging oneself on all
that moves and shakes,
Stumbling to carry commitments
as promised.
Stretching far beyond
capabilities of comfort,
Giving more than
expectation seeks to receive.
Sustenance eventually depletes
its enthusiasm,
Seeking solace and to
escape from the demands.
Hibernating inside a place
of quiet contemplation,
Secluded by the sanctuary
of shelter and well-being.
Eventually a wise note of
awakening reveals itself,
An absence has rejuvenated
the attitude of mind.
Fresh optimism permeates
throughout the return,
Uncluttered environments
beckon in view of new hope.
©Copyright Eileen T O’Neill 28/04/2014