Falling between heaven and
One waits in that limbo of
Keeping faith and trust
only in words,
Old tales and scaremongering
Turning away from temptation’s
May disappoint, but saves
grace in future.
Always trusting goodwill
and probability,
Eyes wide open to nonsense
or foxiness.
Making allowances for another’s
Exacerbates the harm
already meted out.
Death may remove the
option for justice,
It’s difficult to erase
painful words of hate.
Distance stretches the
warmth of knowing,
Out of touch dilutes the
constancy of love.
Faithful companionship
anchors its heart,
Separation simply facilitates
a greater bond.
One must be discerning in
Affirming agreement must
be uncompelled.
Acceptance does not intend
to be consent,
It is simply
acknowledgement of a situation.
©Copyright Eileen T O’Neill 30/07/2015
Poets United Mid-Week Motif: ‘Acceptance.’..