Historically a challenging
test of pedal endurance,
Individual stamina seeks
to seize the yellow jersey.
Terrain of mind and body
tested to great heights,
Cornered and plunged into unforgiving
dark chasms.
The highs and the lows
include or gradually exclude,
Anxious for victory spoils
and to secure winning titles.
The golden goodies a
treasure chest of future glories,
Esteem placed on a pedestal
of ultimate adulation.
The feasting and the
fantasy worlds collided for a few,
Falling from grace to whispers
of illegalities and cheating.
Reputations wrenched from
proud leadership ledgers,
Tarnished and greedy peddlers
unchained the mighty.
Uphill motions erased by
the eventual downward spiral,
Chains of events overtook
even the fastest of cycling men.
©Copyright Eileen T O’Neill 23/07/2014
Poets United MidWeek Motif: Le Tour de