About Me

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Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, now living in Cheshire, England. I started to write poetry some years ago, as a hobby. I have enjoyed that new venture very much. My preferences are for long and micro-form poetry styles. A first book of poetry ~ Reason Without Rhyme, was published in December 2013. A second book ~ Fifty Seven Pebbles, was published in September 2015...I am presently compiling the content for my third book. Thank you for visiting my Blog... COPYRIGHT: The entire copyright and content of this Blog belongs to the author Eileen T O'Neill. Nothing should be copied, reproduced or hosted as per RSS feed by any other party. {This particularly applies to the USA company Feedspot.com}

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Chains of Events....

Historically a challenging test of pedal endurance,
Individual stamina seeks to seize the yellow jersey.
Terrain of mind and body tested to great heights,
Cornered and plunged into unforgiving dark chasms.
The highs and the lows include or gradually exclude,
Anxious for victory spoils and to secure winning titles.
The golden goodies a treasure chest of future glories,
Esteem placed on a pedestal of ultimate adulation.
The feasting and the fantasy worlds collided for a few,
Falling from grace to whispers of illegalities and cheating.
Reputations wrenched from proud leadership ledgers,
Tarnished and greedy peddlers unchained the mighty.
Uphill motions erased by the eventual downward spiral,
Chains of events overtook even the fastest of cycling men.

©Copyright Eileen T O’Neill 23/07/2014
Poets United MidWeek Motif: Le Tour de France….


  1. Yes it did sadly. Too bad the terrain wasn't enough of a challenge without riding the ups and downs of morality and fame as well.

  2. Well done, Eileen. In the days when the sport was a test of endurance, it may have held some interest for me. But now it is such a money-grabbing,pressure-cooker, I dont know how the contestants endure the stress.

  3. Ever since the Lance Armstrong fiasco, I haven't been able to bring myself to be interested in the Tour de France anymore...

  4. a very energetic and amazing poem!

  5. It is too bad that professional sports have become so tainted. The spirit of the challenge is no longer enough (for some.)
    Love your word usage here Eileen

  6. Ah, it is indeed so sad that the reputation of the race has been tarnished. There are so many fallen heroes that one cannot help but be skeptical. An important write, Eileen.

  7. I concur with Keith.
    I have lost all interest.

    Good writing, as always, Eileen
    Have a great weekend..


  8. Or maybe he was a cog in the wheel? Sport like everything these days is money...i am sure that people protected him as he raked in the cash..not that it's an excuse...or fair to those who work hard to be good!


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