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Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, now living in Cheshire, England. I started to write poetry some years ago, as a hobby. I have enjoyed that new venture very much. My preferences are for long and micro-form poetry styles. A first book of poetry ~ Reason Without Rhyme, was published in December 2013. A second book ~ Fifty Seven Pebbles, was published in September 2015...I am presently compiling the content for my third book. Thank you for visiting my Blog... COPYRIGHT: The entire copyright and content of this Blog belongs to the author Eileen T O'Neill. Nothing should be copied, reproduced or hosted as per RSS feed by any other party. {This particularly applies to the USA company Feedspot.com}

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Spiritually Moving....

One never knows the instant or instance,
It arrives in this suddenness which impacts.
A shudder to the heart of such awareness,
A weakness finds its own strength to move.
Silent and fearsome tongues speak aloud,
Whispers slowly raise internal confidences.
A clarity and understanding evolve in time,
Depleted spirits gain nourishment and energy.
Fervour replaces weak and dampened modes,
Encouragement reconnects one’s belief in faith.
Isolation conserves a gradual loneliness in oneself,
Courage requires openness to entertain invitations.
Motivation rewards contentment and positivity,
A philosophical attitude defines many possibilities.

©Copyright Eileen T O’Neill 22/02/2015


  1. How easy it is to become stuck in isolation courage and motivation - yes...we need...wonderfully wise poem

  2. So true, Eileen. Sometimes these spiritual awakenings come unexpectedly & one's faith has a rebound. I can identify with this. I think this happens on and off through life, and it always feels good when 'clarity and understanding' arises from within and that 'fervour replaces weak and dampened modes.' I appreciated the message in this Sunday poem, Eileen.

  3. So true of the spiritual world it is exciting and unexpected. Lovely expression.

  4. your philosophical attutude defines most everything...as does the lens on which you view the world...i guess they are one in the same...without hope man is dead while living...

  5. A philosophical attitude
    defines many possibilities

    You've gathered all the goodness that can guide one along a good path - a good and safe path! Wonderful take Eileen!


  6. I resonate with this so deeply Eileen...the poem seems to be a slice of me...the last line is stellar...

  7. A positive and wise message, Eileen. I love the note of encouragement for depleted spirits. I resonate, my own spirit needed just this little boost this morning. Thank you.

  8. it's true, they come somewhat silently, and out of nothing... it takes time, it changes everything.

  9. We can find, or find again, spirituality in the oddest or most unexpected places or moments. This is one of my favorite poems of yours, Eileen.

  10. I think despite how much we seek we cannot plan when or when we find spirituality, it's a little bit like when we go to sleep without setting the alarm bell.. but with philosophy we will find the path on where to seek..

  11. I can see you turn around and make changes
    as your words speak.

    amazing imagery.

  12. You have captured the instance beautifully here in your words of when spirit, soul (call it what you will) moves us on through the fear, discouragement and muddle.


  13. I enjoyed this piece the most so far... five stars *****

  14. What a great list! Deeply thought through, obviously.

  15. Belief especially in oneself can do the opposite to what one would expect and this is reiterated over and over in your poem.

  16. it's lik an a-ha moment. sometimes we sre caught off guard but it is for us how to handle the situation

  17. Feels a bit like a motivational speech.

  18. thinking things through; the options will present themselves

    have a good week

    much love...

  19. I've been l;ooking for the words to express this very mystical experience! Thank you!

  20. "Courage requires openness to entertain invitations" - so true, Eileen :)


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